Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm looking for networking partners.

Okay, its Sunday, already gorgeous out, and I'm planning on getting out of there to jump on the deck for the rest of the day, or most of it anyway. I need to ask a serious question. Times are tight for many, retirement nest eggs vanishing for many, property values are down. I am very interested in helping two or three people this month pick up an easy $ 1000. Give me 5 hours this month and I'l...l help you do just that, but I'm only interested is people who are open minded enough to give me 1 hour to educate them as to what I will do, and how I'll do it. Not interested, its no big deal but perhaps you know of a young family, or a retired couple who are hurting, worried about their finances and need some help. I'm not looking for an investment, I have more than I need. I want to help those who want to help themselves. Message me at  if you are open to a quick interview today. I'll be back online later this afternoon.

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