I came across a great article on the dangers of foreclosure fraud and what to look for. Matt Cunningham does a great job how to avoid being scammed you are someone you know is having issues paying their mortgage.
The economic downturn and housing crash in 2008 has created a huge number of homes that are in arrears, and many in actual foreclosure. This has brought out the vultures who pray upon desperate people seeking a solution to their problems.
It wasn't long ago that real estate investment truly seemed like a golden ticket. Housing prices skyrocketed as low interest rates and generous financing requirements encouraged more people than ever to venture into home ownership.
As Matt mentions in his article "The foreclosure process is long, stressful and complicated, and it comes with an added risk: Con artists and scammers have come up with a variety of fraud schemes that target those involved in foreclosure"
For 10 sad examples of foreclosure fraud visit http://tinyurl.com/foreclosureFraudCases
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